Learning Time!


Today's topic is (drumroll please): snakes! These sneaky creatures are actually quite docile when not provoked and I enjoy holding them. Snakes lay lots of eggs (up to 100!) and while that may seem quite scary and you are about to start yelling and screaming "AAAAAAAAAARRRGGHHHHHHHH!", do not be afraid for one reason: Snakes are more afraid of you then you are afraid of them. Let's move on to the less frightening facts. Snakes are great pestkillers. With their hooked fangs and relentless jaws, they can hang on tight to prey. :( for prey, :) for snakes and us! Some of snakes' patterns are so beautiful, as you will see in the pictures. Snakes curl up into a tight coil and look like a rock to camouflage! I have snapped pictures of snakes so here are some of them.


Today's topic is (drumroll please)(again): Water and Why It Is Necessary To Drink It! Water is 70 percent of the human body and without water, life would not exist. Although water may not taste as good as juice or soda, it is a lot healthier and does not stain teeth. I personally do not drink enough water, but I am working to change that. It is not a good idea to eat too many salty foods, or if you do, drink a lot of water. Chips are one of the most popular salty foods, and if you eat some, make sure to have a big glass of water right next to you!  

This is the Atoms and Molecules Series!

Get ready for lots of info!


Atoms are amazing! They are the building blocks of (drumroll please) (yet again): Everything! Atoms make up everything from Legos to batteries to tables. Some of my favorite elements are: Silver (Ag), Gold (Au), Cobalt (Co) Silicon (Si), Uranium (U), and Plutonium (Pu). These weird looking letter combinations are the abbreviation for all of these elements. Atoms are made of even tinier parts called protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons are neutral, and electrons are negatively charged. Protons and neutrons are made of even smaller parts called quarks. There are three pairs of quarks: up/down, charm/strange, and top/bottom. Protons have two up quarks and one down quark. Neutrons have one up quark and two down quarks. Each atom has a certain amount of electrons. Take silicon, for example. It has 14 electrons. The outermost shell is called the valence shell and cannot have more than eight electrons. The closer to eight valence electrons an atom has, the more stable it is. Silicon has four valence electrons, so it is sort of stable. Each electron "shell" can hold a different amount of electrons. Here are some of the levels: 1st shell is 2, 2nd shell is 8, 3rd shell is 18, 4th shell is 32, 5th shell is 50, and so on. This is an atom model that I constructed. I really enjoy teaching about atoms!


Today, we will be learning about molecules! Molecules are made up of (more drumroll, please): atoms! These pictures are of molecule models that I have a kit for. They are methane molecules. Now, let's get to our info. There are countless different molecules and they are things from yogurt to coins to textbooks. These molecules can be beneficial, or they might be harmful. There are some molecules, like arsenic or lead, that are very harmful to ingest. Other things, like orange peel, don't harm you but do not taste good! Certain molecules help you, like vitamin A, B6, B12. They are important to include in your diet. Usually, a molecule floats around, just doing its own thing until another molecule bumps into it and fuses to it! The two molecules are now a completely different molecule! For example, a carbon monoxide molecule is floating around and an oxygen molecule fuses to it, creating carbon dioxide. Atoms trade places and the molecule changes, slowly but surely.

Reactions of Molecules

Molecules react in many different ways! There are reactions from baking soda and vinegar to hydrogen and oxygen. Today, we will be talking about the first example; it is an awesome reaction that you can use as rocket fuel. Here are the materials: Plastic bottles (lots of different sizes), cardstock, baking soda, vinegar, and a wine stopper. After you have all those materials ready, launch your rocket! This is how it's done: put 1 TBSP of baking soda into the rocket. Then add 1 cup of vinegar and quickly put stopper in. I recommend holding the cork in the air with the rocket on top. Here are a few videos of me launching a rocket with Mom.


Let's learn about Honduran Curlyhair Tarantulas! They are native to Central America and eat mice, crickets, and other insects. These tarantulas are a burrowing species and are covered in light hairs. Female Curlyhairs grow much larger than the males, and they live a lot longer. Females' lifespan is up to 10 years, while the males live only around 4 years. Honduran Curlyhair Tarantulas like a mild climate and they need high humidity. Here are some pictures of me with a tarantula.

This is the Exploring Series!

Get ready for lots of info!

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Theodore Roosevelt National Park is an amazing place! There are lots of animals and the scenery is beautiful! There are large mounds of rock called buttes. They are very colourful and are an icon of the park. Buttes are made by rock compressing and creating layers. Then, the magic of erosion happens. Wind blows and water flows, creating cracks that become the new ground and revealing coloured rock and grass on top! I love unique scenery!

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Rushmore is quite a work of art! It was carved in the 1940s and took quite a few years. The Four Faces are, in order from left to right, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. They were carved mainly with dynamite, but there was some chiseling too. The job of a carver was quite dangerous, especially that high off the ground! I love visiting amazing works of art!

Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton is an amazing place! It has everything from giant mountains to huge bison and is one of the most visited national parks. The name "Grand Teton" comes from French fur trappers, who called the soaring peaks "Les Trois Tetones." The name caught on and now the park proudly displays it!  I thoroughly enjoyed visiting this awesome park and learning. I hope you choose to visit Grand Teton sometime!

Wind Cave National Park

Wind Cave is quite a cave! It was an amazing experience to go inside it and see all the features! There are many types of cave formations. There is cave popcorn, which looks a lot like popcorn. Another formation is boxwork. It looks like many open boxes! Last but not least is frostwork. It looks like crystals of ice. Here are some pictures of cave formations. Try to guess which is which. 

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Bighorn Canyon is an amazing place to see! There is a very deep canyon that is the main feature of the park. There are interesting features in the rock of the canyon. The Native Americans made tipi rings of rocks so their tipis wouldn't blow away. Some rings are very large, and others smaller. It was a hierarchy symbol; the larger the ring, the higher up you were in society. Here are some pictures for you to see.

Palisades State Park

Palisades is a very interesting park and I would highly recommend going there. This truss bridge was erected in 1908 by the Western Bridge and Construction Co. for transport over the river. It is laid on Sioux Quartzite. I walked across this bridge and it is very sturdy. Why don't you go for a visit?

Indiana Dunes National Park

Indiana Dunes is an awesome park! The dunes are huge! Lake Michigan is right next to the park. The bird life is brilliant, but biting flies are so annoying! The picture above is of Sandhill Cranes. The picture below is a juvenile eagle. I love birds!

Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Cuyahoga Valley is an awesome place! The waterfalls are quite a scene. I love to see interesting things and Cuyahoga satisfies me! Brandywine Falls is large and we hiked around it. Bridal Veil Falls was a cute, thin rush of water. Other areas of the river were pretty too. I did a fishing program, but did not have much luck. I enjoyed hanging out in the forest!

Devil's Tower National Monument

Devil's Tower is huge! It is made of such heavy rock pillars that some pillars fall off. The pillars are hexagonal, which is nature's magic shape. The Native American story for the creation of the Tower is below: Three girls were playing in a forest. A bear came and chased them. The girls found a stump, and it started growing! The bear scratched the stump and that is why the Tower looks like it does. Silly story, huh! Have fun visiting the Tower!

Hot Springs State Park

At the hot springs, I touched the water. It was very hot! I also smelled the air. It was putrid! The reason for the awful smell was the sulfur in the mineral water. There were scents like rotten eggs, but also normal scents like water's smell of nothing. I saw the large terraces of rock, formed by minerals in the spring water. That explains their awesome shape! The trickle of water was very pleasant. Use all your senses (but not taste) to experience Hot Springs State Park to its fullest!

Yellowstone: West Thumb Geyser Basin and Norris Geyser Basin

Yellowstone is an amazing place to take a vacation! The geysers, hot pools, and hot springs are so colorful and magnificent; visiting them was pleasant. West Thumb was serene, with no tourons due to the fact that we woke up at 4:30 AM. The lake was so still and the sunrise was beautiful! The hot pools in that geyser basin had colors deep into the water. Norris showcased irregular geyser eruptions. Most erupted, if only a minor blast. Others erupted to their fullest, but they were cute baby geysers. I love visiting interesting places like Yellowstone, and advise you to get off the beaten path for a while.

Yellowstone: Upper Geyser Basin

We saw some amazing geysers in these parts of the forest. They were brilliant examples of nature. Old Faithful erupted 180 feet high! Other geysers erupted too. Comet Geyser blew 70 feet high. All the geological features were awesome!

Yellowstone: Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

The Canyon was huge! There were two water falls and they were crazy torrents! Canyon colours were brilliant with reds and yellows, throwing some brown and tan in for good measure. The water falls plummeted down the cliff and landed in a pool and flowed on. T'was an interesting experience to watch water falling o'er the drop.

Yellowstone: Midway Geyser Basin

Grand Prismatic Spring was beautiful! The colour was brilliant. Red on the outer edge, then orange for the next ring. Yellow was the following layer. Green came along briefly, with blue on the inside. Blue took up much of the space of the pool. All the different colours are from extremophiles, tiny bacteria that love hot water. On our hike to see the spring, we noticed a crowd looking at something. It was a wolf! It was a large one, too! I snapped some pictures of the wolf, and then we hurried on. Here are some shots of the spring.

Shenandoah: Old Rag 

Old Rag was quite a hike! The mountain had tricks up its sleeve and was very difficult to climb. The view is well worth the struggle! Shenandoah Valley is right in between mountains and those mountains are a perfect picture. This park is awesome!

Shenandoah: Whiteoak Canyon

This hike is quite pretty. The river winds through and leaves in fall are awesome! Small creatures are plentiful. Our hike was great, with one objection: the hike is 9 miles and we hiked 13. How that happened is that we went one way, but it was not the correct one. That was an interesting day!

Shenandoah: Skyline Drive

Skyline Drive is very pretty, with quite a few overlooks. There are also a couple short hikes. One of them is called Stoney Man. It is a steep incline up to a mountain view with the Shenandoah Valley stretching out. The other hike is called South River Valley. It goes along a creek and then offers a perfect view of a majestic waterfall. This place is AWESOME!

Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge

Okefenokee is a wonderful place! The wildlife is brilliant, from alligators to turtles to birds! The gators sneak through the blackwater, which is caused by decaying plant matter. Turtles bask on logs, swimming from one to another as the sun scoots in the sky. Herons, cranes and egrets stride through plants, looking for food. Songbirds whistle and chirp as they flit in the trees. I love embracing nature and observing animals!

Rocky Mountain National Park

This is a place chock-full of mountains and valleys! The rocks are indescribable! They are so red you think you are standing on the sun. In this park, there are very large "thirteeners" and "fourteeners", which are 14,000 and 13,000 foot mountains. The views are amazing! Do not miss Rocky Mountain, or you will regret your decision.

Deep Creek Lake

Deep Creek is a very large lake. The fish are amazing! You can catch anything from tiny sunfish to prize walleye and most of the time, a pike is hookable. I caught a 24 inch pike and it had gnarly teeth! I also got hooked up on a largemouth bass. it was quite large! There is so much fun to be had fishing at Deep Creek Lake!

Yoghiogheny River 

This river has beautiful scenery! The diversity of environments is brilliant! There are features from waterfalls to calm pools and everything in between. Rapids are common and fish are numerous in pools. These waterfalls are up to a staggering 53 feet tall! Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone, and John Burroughs camped right near Muddy Creek Falls. The river sure is interesting!


Flowers are amazing! There are so many different colors and shapes, although most flowers have petals opened flat, and have a yellow center. The reason for those qualities is simple: pollination. In case you are wondering, pollination is the transport of pollen from one flower to another. Pollen helps generate seeds. The more seeds there are, the more chances there are for the flowers to multiply. However, some flowers are tubelike or rodlike. The tubes are pollinated by hummingbirds and the rods are pollinated normally. Plants are so neat!

This is the Astrophotography Series!

Get ready for lots of info!

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipses are awesome! I would expect that you have seen pictures of the bright red-pink craters and maria, and of course you have seen the moon. You are probably wondering, "How do you take those pictures?" I have an answer. But before we get to that, let's learn a bit about lunar eclipses. An eclipse happens when one object passes in front of another, shadowing it and, in the case of a lunar eclipse, creating a red color. Now, on to the pictures. Option 1: Buy a super fancy telescope/camera with tracking. I think this is a great idea for deep sky objects, but it is unnecessary for the moon. Option 2: Use a manual telescope and a point and shoot camera. This is what I do. It works great if you have steady hands and the right lens. The moon is an easy target. Things like Jupiter are a lot harder. Enjoy the night sky! 


Nebulae are very interesting! They are made of stellar dust and gas and are the nurseries of the universe (for stars, that is). Nebulae are either parts of a supernova remnant or clouds of dust. My example is a lot of gas, called the Orion Nebula. I love the night sky! 


Planets are amazing! I love looking at Jupiter and Saturn, and the rare opportunity to see Venus is thrilling! Jupiter is the biggest, and has a lot of moons. Saturn is also very large, and has the most moons. These planets move fast when viewed through a telescope, so stay alert! 


Stars are amazing! One of my favorite star things to spot is the Pleadies. It is an open cluster and looks similar to the Little Dipper. These stars have nebulosity, a fancy word meaning that haze is around the star. To find the Pleadies, you have to look to the East. If you see what looks like a mini Little Dipper, you've got it! If not, then look farther up in the sky. If you still cannot find it, then there is too much light pollution. Have fun exploring the night sky!


After seeing all these pictures, you may want to observe some objects in your own telescope. If you do not have a telescope, then today's your lucky day! I can acquaint you with a few types of scopes. One type is a Newtonian. It is very simple and can be attached to most mounts. Another type is a Schmidt/Cassegrain. It is a bit more complicated, but definitely more portable. These mount on a tripod and are very common. The Schmidt/Cassegrain has a hidden twin: the Maksutov/Cassegrain! It works essentially the same; the only difference is a mirror change. I love telescopes!

Solar Eclipses

What a beautiful sight! A small halo around a large circle, the eerie light, the feeling of being at the mercy of the universe, the sheer shock of this interesting occurrence. I love solar eclipses! I also love sharing info with you! A solar eclipse happens when the moon passes directly in front of the sun, blocking out all but the corona. During most of the eclipse, it is unsafe to look at the sun without special glasses with a sun filter or a paper with a hole in the middle. When the moon is fully covering the sun, you can take your glasses off and view this majestic creation of God. The most recent eclipse was in 2017. There will not be another one visible to a lot of people for a long time. Who wants to see pictures?!!!

Guinea Pigs!

Guinea pigs are so cute! They love snuggling and running, and they also nibble on carrots and sticks. You can give guinea pigs most fruits and veggies, but there are a few things to watch out for. No cabbage or iceberg lettuce! This is surprising because guinea pigs can eat romaine and leaf lettuce, but iceberg and cabbage are mainly water and will cause stomach discomfort and diarrhea. You need to check to see if a guinea pig has food and water every day. The water needs to be changed every couple of days, and the food dish needs to be filled whenever it is empty. I have a guinea pig. His name is Shaggy and he loves lettuce and cilantro. He likes to run around and get rubs. Shaggy is so cute! 


Songbirds are beautiful! Their high pitched calls are so hypnotizing that it is impossible not to listen. They are so many different colors and patterns, but there are so many similarities too. For example, Black-capped Chickadees and Carolina Chickadees are indistinguishable. Eastern Bluebirds are my favorite songbirds. The males are brilliantly colored, but the females and juveniles are a bit more drab. Warblers have amazing trills, whistles, and calls. Songbirds are awesome!


I love Christmas! As they say, it's the most wonderful time of the year, with lights and ornaments and songs. Contrary to popular belief, there is no Santa Claus, and Christmas is about JESUS! He is the reason for the season, literally. Jesus, AKA God, created the Earth, and the sun, and the seasons. In case you do not know, here is the story of Christ coming down to Earth. Mary and Joseph were living in Nazareth. There was a census and everyone had to go to their family's original town. Mary and Joseph were worried about Mary being pregnant with Jesus and angels came to them. They went to Bethlehem for the census and looked for a room in an inn. The inns were full and Baby Jesus was born in a stable. Have a very merry Christmas!

Newton's Three Laws of Motion

These laws aren't exactly laws. They are statements that have been studied meticulously by many scientists and were first developed by Isaac Newton. The first law is the law of inertia. Inertia is the quality of an object to want to sit if it is sitting, and move if it is moving. Here is an example: A soccer ball is sitting on the ground. It does not want to move. I, being an outside force, kick the ball. It wants to keep rolling but cannot due to friction on the ground and in the air. Now you may be thinking, "Wait a second. I walk through air without it slowing me down." That is because you are constantly putting an outside force on your body. The outside force is you walking. The second law is F=ma. That is a wacky equation but the main meaning is that the acceleration depends upon the mass of an object and the force applied to it. Here are couple examples: Two cars are racing. They have the same mass. One applies more force to the gas pedal than the other. The one with more force goes faster. Next race. Two cars are racing. They are exerting the same amount of force but one has less mass. The one with less mass goes faster. The third law is that for every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. One example is hitting a baseball. The ball is always pitched at 70 miles per hour and the ball is always hit at 80 miles per hour. The ball should move at 150 miles per hour because of the equal and opposite reaction. Newton's laws are neat!

Black Bears

Black Bears are very interesting. They range in weight from less than 100 pounds to more than 600 pounds and have large territories, up to 80 square miles. These Bears are omnivores as they eat meat and vegetation and live all around the USA. Black Bears usually have one to three cubs and are very protective. A couple of places where I have seen Black Bears are Deep Creek Lake in Maryland and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Bears are awesome!


Pool is an interesting game. There are a few different ways to play and angles are always key. A couple versions are 8 ball ending and 9-ball. 8 ball ending is the regular version and it is played by hitting one type of ball in a pocket and then competing to hit your type in, ending with the wild 8 ball. 9-ball is played by competing to hit each ball in order from 1 to 9. When a ball is offset from a straight shot in a pocket, you need to use an angle shot. An angle shot is when you hit the ball at an angle and the ball does not go straight. Hopefully, the ball goes in the pocket. I love pool!

Perpendicular Bisectors

I think perpendicular bisectors are very interesting to draw. They are quite easy to make and are very useful. A perpendicular bisector is drawn by drawing a straight line and using a compass. Make the compass wider than half of the line, and do a 90 degree arc. Do the same on the bottom, then draw a straight line from the end of the first arc to the end of the second arc. You are done! This mathematical wonder is used in ways from attaching pips to tying sticks. Math is helpful!  

What the World Will See


Look into the future and you will see

a whole new area of responsibility.

You’ll find it up high, you’ll find it down low,

you’ll find it everywhere you go.

What I will find is something new,

But something that we need to do.

This thing is called immunology,

One of the fields of microbiology.


We need to heal the world’s sick.

I plan to do it really snappy and quick.

I’ll use a cell called a macrophage.

It traps pathogens in a cage.

My manipulated phagocytes will chomp and pop,

Causing autoimmune diseases to stop.

I will modify neutrophils to blast cancer.

The insane rogue cells won’t have time to answer.


When disease strikes, it is terrible,

But with study and developing tech,

it will be better than bearable.

Without Raynaud’s disease, hands will be used more.

Without MS, legs can walk to the store.

 Not suffering from Celiac disease means eating normally.

No Hashimoto’s means living joyfully.

When leukemia is knocked down, children can grow up.

When COVID is exterminated, masks can go to the dump.


I am going to work in a lab,

I am going to study cells,

I am going to defeat diseases,

So that families can be at home,

So that children can play with their friends,

So that moms can run with their sons

Because the world needs us all.

I will never let you down.

Pursue Our Destiny

Intelligence is a rover that collects lunar regolith for rocket fuel and drinking water if there is H2O. Regolith is also collected to learn about soil composition and the universe's past. When Intelligence picks up regolith, it is quite a sight. A large scoop bends down in whatever direction needed, opens wide, and grabs regolith. A bin opens and the scoop drops its load. This lunar dust is sticky!  If any regolith sneaks onto Intelligence, he shakes it right off. A pulsator moves the wheels and dust flies! The rover body is wide and the wheels are large for stability on the rough, rocky lunar surface. A low center of gravity helps too. Claws are useful for snagging large objects and smashing rocks. Since bigger is better with astronomy, more advances can be made with more knowledge. Regolith collection and study can help humans live on the Moon! 

States of Matter

There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, gas! Outside, there is one fun state: solid. That solid is snow! Soon, the snow will turn into liquid water and then evaporate as gas. Oxygen is always around, along with nitrogen. They are gasses at the average temperature, and are always gasses until -300 degrees Fahrenheit or so. In a solid, the particles are very close together. A solid cannot change shape or volume. In a liquid, the particles are a bit farther apart. A liquid can change shape, but not volume. In a gas, the particles are very far apart. A gas can change shape and volume. My favorite state of matter is a gas. There are so many gasses at room temperature and many of them are important to life. I love science!

Branches of Government

The United States has three branches of government: the Legislative branch, the Executive branch, and the Judicial branch. The Legislative branch is comprised of 100 senators and 435 representatives. The senators are called the Senate and the representatives are called the House of Representatives. This branch is also known as Congress. Congress proposes a law. This proposal is called a bill. It is voted on and if it passes, it goes to the Executive branch. The Executive branch is small; the President and Vice President. The President signs bills, and if they are unable to serve, the Vice President takes their place for a while. If the President dies in office, the Vice President becomes Commander-in-Chief. The President can also veto, or reject a bill, but if more than 2/3 of Congress votes for the bill, it passes to the Judicial branch anyway. The Judicial branch is also known as the Supreme Court and has nine judges. They determine if a bill is constitutional. If it is, the bill goes into effect as a law. If it is not, that bill is sent back to Congress for adjustments. Government is very important!

Air Composition

Air is made up of many things. Most of it is nitrogen; 71%. Oxygen is 28% of the air and the remaining 1% is many gasses: carbon dioxide, methane, butane, ethane, pentane, and carbon monoxide. Air is amazing!

Scientific Method

The scientific method is very important as all fields of discovery use it. The first step is to ask a question. This could be anything, for example, What happens if I put lemon juice and baking powder together? Then, you make a prediction, called a hypothesis. For example, I think that the mixture will fizz. Once you have gathered your materials and set up a procedure, it is time to test your hypothesis. Then, you record your observations. If your hypothesis was correct, you make a conclusion to explain what happened. If your hypothesis was incorrect, you make a new hypothesis and test again. Once you have the results of several tests, share your findings so that other members of the scientific community can also learn the answer to your question.

Origin of 365 day year and Leap year

If you sometimes think, "Why are there 365 days in a year and why is there leap year?" then you are in the right place. A day has 24 hours because that is the time it takes for the earth to turn around once. The earth takes 365 of those days to go around the sun. However, the earth actually takes 365 and 1/4 days exactly. Every 4 years, enough extra time has accumulated to add a day to that year, called leap year. Time is a very interesting topic!

Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic Adventure

Ernest Shackleton wanted to be a great explorer. He thought that crossing Antarctica was the last thing left to do. Shackleton gathered a ship and a crew and set off for the Antarctic. The ship arrived at the Weddell sea. It made slow progress and eventually got stuck in the ice. The crew lived on the ice for several weeks and then the ship got crushed in the ice and sank. Luckily, the crew had salvaged a lifeboat and used it to leave Antarctica. The lifeboat landed at an island called Elephant Island. Shackleton was relieved to be on real land but knew that if his crew stayed for a long time, they would die. He and some crew members traveled to North Georgia to find a whaling station. They ended up on the wrong side! Shackleton and a few crew members decided to cross high mountains to find the whaling station. Shackleton got another ship, recollected his crew on the other side of North Georgia, and attempted to collect his crew on Elephant Island. Ice floes blocked the ship's path and Shackleton had to retreat. He tried two more times with no success. On the fourth try, his ship was finally able to get to the rest of his crew. No one perished. This was an unexpected and wild adventure!


Bison are giant animals! They have large horns and can run up to 30 mph. Bison live in herds but males headbutt each other during the mating season. That is not a very kind thing to do. Bison are very important to the ecosystem and they are amazing!

Paul Revere's Wild Ride

One night, Paul Revere was taking care of things at his house when the Continental Army alerted him, "Go and monitor the battlefield. When the British come, ride to a cathedral with two lanterns. If they come by land, make one lantern visible. If they come by water, make two lanterns visible." Paul set out to patrol. The British came by water so he set two lanterns out and hurried to pick up John Hancock and Samuel Adams. It was very important to the British to capture Hancock and Adams because they were Sons of Liberty. Revere was successful by an amazing feat of signs and quickness.

James Armistead Lafayette

James was a slave. He worked at the factory house, delivering packages to homes(like a modern day Amazon). James became friends with a military leader. His name was Lafayette. During the Revolutionary War, Lafayette asked James to spy on the British. James crossed British lines and "served" Benedict Arnold. Lord Cornwallis himself sent for James to speak with him. James feared he had been caught. Cornwallis asked him to spy on the Americans! James was a double spy. He spied on the British and brought back information to the Americans, then "spied" on the Americans and brought back misinformation to the British. Misinformation is not lying, it is not giving enough information to be useful. At Yorktown, Cornwallis saw James and said, "You have made a fool of me." James petitioned many times and finally was granted his freedom. He gave himself the last name Lafayette because of his relation with Lafayette. James bought his children out of slavery and more children were born free. James was a helpful person with a selfless heart.

I'll Never Forget You

I look into your eyes

Like I did for the very first time

When I met you

I'll never forget you

I know you'll never try to hurt me

But if you do I know you'll squeak in apology

I'll always accept you

I'll never forget you

When you chew on a treat

It brings so much joy to me

I'll always care for you

I'll never forget you

When you're squeaking with the angels up on high

I'll raise my voice up to the sky and say

I'll never forget you

My love for you rushes through me

I'll never forget my cute Shaggy

Energy Properties

There are many ways energy is used. When an object is using energy, it produces heat or light. Most of the time, the energy is friction or heat. Energy cannot be created or destroyed but it is useful for studying other similar objects. Hotter objects tend to emit heat and cool ones absorb it. Science is so fun!

Types of Energy

There are quite a few types of energy. Light energy comes from light, obviously. It can be seen by the human eye. Thermal energy is generated by the movement of particles within an object. Sound energy is generated by moving sound waves and can be heard by humans. Chemical energy is the energy stored in the internal structure of an atom or molecule. Electrical energy is generated by an electric charge flowing through a conductor. Nuclear energy is the energy stored in the nucleus of an atom. Elastic energy is the energy stored when materials are stretched or compressed. Gravitational potential energy is the energy stored in an object's height. Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position. Kinetic energy is energy in motion. Mechanical energy is potential and kinetic energy combined. 

I love science!


Python is a coding language that allows you to input algorithms to a computer and obtain outputs. For example, if I say: a=2


print('The answer of a times b is: a*b')

I would receive:

The answer of a times b is: 6

If I input:

input(What is your name?)

input(Hi, a)

int(input(What is your age?)

input(Cool, a)


print(In the year c you will be 100 years old)

Running code will result in:

What is your name? Caden

Hi, Caden

What is your age? 11

Cool, Caden

In the year 2111 you will be 100 years old.

Python is a useful skill to learn as qualities of it apply to most fields.

Argo Floats

Argo is a program that drops free-floating, scientific robots in the ocean to collect data. The main things that Argo studies are water temperature, pressure, and salinity. A float sinks down to 1000 meters and collects data for 9 days. Then it sinks to 2000 meters and rises to the surface quickly, collecting data along the way. The float sends the data to a satellite, which sends the data to us. I love learning about the ocean!

Cell Division

There are two types of cell division: Mitosis and Meiosis. Mitosis is simpler then Meiosis. Mitosis occurs when a cell is dividing into two new cells. The cell makes copies of its DNA and divides the parts. It splits into two cells that are exact copies of the parent cell. Meiosis occurs when a cell is dividing into four new cells. The cell makes copies of its DNA and divides it. This time, one cell becomes four. These cells only have half of the parent cell's genetic material. I think that biology is very interesting!

8 Levels of Linnaean Classification

There are 8 levels of Linnaean classification. The least specific is domain. There are 3 domain types: Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea. Humans are in the domain Eukarya. The next least specific is kingdom. Bacteria and Archaea do not have defined kingdoms but Eukarya does. There are 4 kingdoms: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista. Humans are in the kingdom Animalia. Within Animalia, there are Bilaterals and Cnidarians. Humans are in Bilaterals. Within Bilaterals, there are Arthropods, Vertebrates, and Mollusks. Humans are Vertebrates. In the Vertebrates, there are bony fish, cartilaginous fish, and tetrapods. Humans are tetrapods. In the tetrapods, there are amphibians and amniotes. Humans are amniotes. In the amniotes, there are birds and reptiles and mammals. Humans are mammals. Within the mammals, there are placentals, marsupials, and monotremes. Humans are placentals. The genus is Homo and the species is sapiens.

Here are the levels of classification in order:









Punnett Square

A Punnett square as a chart to determine the possible genetic outcomes of offspring. There are dominant alleles and recessive alleles. For example, a plant has a dominant red flower allele (R) and a recessive white flower allele (r). The flowers will be red. The flowers will be red as long as there is an R allele. However, if the alleles are arranged like this: rr, then the flowers will be white. Here is a link to a Practice and Quiz on the Punnett square.


On March 1st a rocket launched from Cape Canaveral. A geostationary satellite is now in space, 22,300 miles out. The satellite is GOES-T. It sends back data of atmospheric and solar conditions. GOES stands for Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite. The GOES program has been in commission since 1975. Science must prosper!

The Endurance Has Been Found!

Remember Sir Ernest Shackleton? Remember that his ship sank? Well, the Endurance has finally been documented! An AUV named Ele after Elephant Island was sent underwater with a lot of cameras. It was looking for a large object on flat seabed. Suddenly, something appeared on the cameras. It was the Endurance! Here is a picture and a link to a video of the discovery.

photo credit: Endurance22

Endurance and Argo Data

The Endurance was in amazing condition; perfectly preserved. Amazing high resolution pictures and video were recorded. My Argo float, Knowledge, has collected a lot of data over 3 cycles. It will be very interesting to see how it fares over a few years.

Metric and US Standard System

The metric system is very different than the standard system. In metric terms, a gallon is a little bit less than 4 litres. Also, 1 foot is 30 centimeters. Scientists use the metric system so that there is not confusion over different countries. Learning how to convert standard to metric is very important as it will help in your career.

Periodic Table - Transition Metals

This is the transition metal section of the Periodic Table. Here is the list of these elements:













































































































































































































These metals are solid at room temperature and are malleable. They are strong and light and most are shiny.

For King and Country

For King and Country is a Christian band that makes awesome songs. They are originally from Australia but moved to Tennessee when they were young. The family ended up in extreme poverty but God's love shone through helpful neighbors and friends. Now Joel and Luke Smallbone are amazing artists. Some of my favorite songs are Joy, The Proof of Your Love, and Broken Halos. These are my favorites because they make me sense something special. The name of the band comes from an old saying that means to conquer for the kingdom. The Bible says to go and fish for people. In this case, For King and Country means conquering people for God's kingdom. I have been to one of their concerts and I could feel the excitement in the air! Everyone sings and dances along while recording video and pictures! ;) 

Stuart Gibbs Book Review

FAQ: What do you like about how Gibbs writes? How does his writing compare to your own? Me: I like how he always keeps the book interesting and how there is something new every page. I write in a more factual manner, while Gibbs is more free and different. FAQ: What were some of your thoughts as you were reading these books? Me: I was thinking that this could be good inspiration for many other authors to write books of their own. FAQ: How does Stuart Gibbs bring real life into his books? Does this motivate you in any way? Me: I think he brings realism into the books by using realistic and futuristic fiction to create a real feeling environment. I am motivated to keep pressing on and advance our understanding of the universe.

The Value of Space Exploration

I have been asked why I included certain ideas and topics in my TEDTalk a few years ago. Short answer: It's cool. Long answer: I included NASA innovations to show how something crazy like an early Dustbuster can turn into an awesome modern tool.
I included JFK quotes to show how someone's words from a long time ago can influence a person today. He inspired many then, and many now, which led to great accomplishments. I always try to let readers make personal connections with my writing, so I include cool things that some readers may find in their community. Science will prosper!

Orion Nebula

This nebula is one of my favorite night sky objects. It is in the constellation Orion, which can be found in the winter. Why this cloud of gas is so interesting is because it is not generally visible to the naked eye. Once you see it, you're hooked. It is so amazing to take pictures of these hidden objects of the sky above!

1st pic: 15 second exposure                  2nd pic: 30 second exposure


Galaxies are huge areas of space filled with stars. Most are round and have spiraled arms coming off. This galaxy that I will show you is called M81. The M stands for Messier. Charles Messier was looking at the night sky through his telescope, a long time ago, when he saw some objects that were not stars or planets. In all, he found over 100. These objects are now named Messier in honor of him. Astronomy can lead you many places!

1st picture: 15 second exposure

2nd picture: 30 second exposure

Congaree National Park

Congaree is an amazing place! It has many mini habitats, and that's just in a 2 mile boardwalk loop! A few of these are switchgrass swatches, mud puddles, and palmetto patches. The name Congaree comes from a Native American word that essentially means swamp. A lot of reptiles live in the park, including a few species of snakes and turtles. Skinks have a tendency to lay in the sun, allowing for awesome pictures. Mosquitos can be very bad in the summer but in the early spring it is all clear! After a heavy rain, water levels can rise 8 to 15 inches! On our visit to Congaree, we observed a snapping turtle laying in the mud. He was a big boy! The cypress and water tupelo trees were very interesting. Cypress have root "knees" that are useful for stability in the swamp. Water tupelos have a swollen lower trunk, also for stability purposes. I love the swamp!

Caper's Island

Caper's Island is a barrier island near Isle of Palms. It is uninhabited by anyone other than the animals. Speaking of animals, here are some that make a living on the island. Moon snails eat other shelled organisms and have a shell like that of a terrestrial snail. Also, there are whelks. They have a long moon snail-like shell but this shell comes to a point in the back. There are also sand dollars, which really are urchins. They chill and don't really bother anyone. Anemones are common in the tidal pools and they have tentacles to grab passerby for food. Not very long ago, the beach was 70 miles further out in the ocean than it is now. Erosion and sea level rise are the culprits. Now, the beach is in danger of being eroded and covered by water completely. 


 Growly Series Book Review

The Growly series is an amazing story of adventure! I think that these books teach moral values and are quite entertaining. My favorite part is when Tully finds his family. There are two sections in the series. One is the original story. Growly is a bear that is going for his Young Bear Adventure. He is called by Tully the bird to assist in a perilous place. What dangers lie ahead, and how will Growly get back home? The other is a sequel. Growly has returned from his Adventure, but someone appears on a river island and fire is covering the cliffs. Can the bears of Haven sort things out before it is too late? Growly is a very selfless Bear who always goes out of his way to help in any way possible. 

Books by Phillip and Erin Ulrich


Penguins are cute animals that can swim fast but are slow on land. Penguins have one egg at a time and do not make nests because the embryos will freeze on the ice. Chicks rest on Mom and Dad's feet because they will be cold too. Penguins have sacrificed flying to swim and catch fish and krill. In Antarctica, there are 8 species of penguins. They are Emperor, Adelie, Gentoo, Chinstrap, Rockhopper, Macaroni, King, and Magellanic. Penguins are very personable little guys!

Star Clusters

Star Clusters are beautiful! They are night sky objects that have tons of stars in a ball together. There are two types: Open clusters and Globular clusters. Open clusters are round star fields that may or may not have perfect symmetry. Globular clusters are dense spheres of stars that have perfect symmetry. My favorite is Globular. Stars are the powerhouses of the universe!

Tree Development

Hello little seed! Someday you will be a great tree. Trees start as seeds. Seeds sit on the ground until soil covers them up. Then they germinate. Germination is the process in which seeds crack open to form a root and stem system. Once the stem breaks through the ground, it starts to have leaves and collect sunlight. The trunk thickens and the sprout becomes a sapling. After a couple years, the sapling becomes a tree. It will remain in this phase for the rest of its life. The tree keeps growing until something knocks it over, perhaps a storm or a flood. Trees are awesome!


Astronomy is a very interesting hobby. Many night sky objects are visible with a simple four inch refractor. Focusers and cameras for exquisite viewing and pictures are useful if perfection is desired, but that can get in the way of enjoying a clear, star-filled sky.

My favorite object is M42, the Orion Nebula. It has a wide, rounded shape and can have many different colors depending on which wavelength it is photographed with. In my opinion, the best version is visible light long exposure. 

M81, also known as the Bode's Galaxy, is a galaxy far out in space that sometimes has a greenish color in pictures, but actually is white and black. M81 is very difficult to see in an eyepiece, but shows up beautifully in images.

M is the astronomical naming system created in honor of Charles Messier, who discovered all of these objects. He noticed that these things were not stars, and it was confirmed later that they were galaxies, nebulae, and star clusters.

The Double Cluster is two globular clusters very close to each other (in space terms, close is about ten light years). Globular clusters are starballs with tons of stars packed tight together. 

After a few nights of outside observing, the need to see more takes over. The observer cannot get enough. Space seems empty, but it is full of wonders!

Carolina Raptor Center

You might expect to see fossils of dinosaurs, but in fact the Raptor Center is full of birds! Raptors are birds of prey and there are many types. For example, the Andean Condor has a huge wingspan and eats whole woodchuck carcasses. Another is the Harris' Hawk that stands on its fellow fliers. They get a better view that way. African Crowned Cranes have an Afro for who knows why. The point is, birds are awesome! My personal favorite is one of the owls. I'm not sure which one, but owls are amazing! \|/ Pictures are below! \|/

How to Take Care of a Guinea Pig

You have a Guinea Pig? Awesome! But you don't know how to take care of it? Hmm, that's a problem. Let me tell you. First thing: Cage and proper bedding. A cage is important because Guinea Pigs do not like fending for themselves. A cage keeps you furry friend out of trouble. Proper bedding helps your pet comfy and their little feet are safe. Bedding to use: Paper shreds, pine shavings. Bedding not to use: Cedar shreds, sawdust. A water bottle and Guinea Pig food are vital to keeping your cutie healthy. Water is one of the requirements for life, and so is food. Don't give a Guinea Pig rabbit or hamster food. Make sure to give your fuzzy wuzzy veggies in the morning and the evening. The most common error for Guinea Pig owners is lack of attention. Guinea Pigs need to be taken out of their cage and snuggled with daily if you can. Wheek!Wheek!Wheek!

Othello Play Review

Othello is a play that was written by William Shakespeare in 1604. It is a drama/tragedy and its main characters are Othello, Desdemona, and Iago. I think the most exciting part was when everyone stabbed everyone else. The saddest part was when Othello suffocated Desdemona. The happiest part was when Othello and Desdemona got married. Overall, it is a good play. In the performance I attended, the actor playing Othello was amazing! Shakespeare nailed the drama and tragedy. I would decrease the amount of downtime but it really is a great play!


Artemis is a mission to the moon to put humans back on the moon. Why that is a goal? We haven't landed on the moon in 60 years, that's all! There is also much to learn about the hills and valleys of the moon! The first mission is unmanned to test the spacecraft. It is a crucial mission because NASA must make sure the rocket is safe for human flight. It was supposed to launch on August 29th, but has been postponed until a later time because of engine problems such as temperature, leaks and more. I hope Artemis gets off the ground soon! 

Ecological Classification

Biosphere: Area of land or water that has many different biomes and environment.

Biome: Area of land or water that has many ecosystems in the vicinity.

Ecosystem: Communites are plentiful, smallish area of plants and animals together.

Community: A few populations chilling with each other, diminute area of organisms.

Population: Number of a single species in an ecosystem

Species: Single type of organism in an ecosystem


Foothills Philharmonic Orchestra

This orchestra is amazing at playing classical music! I attended a performance and it was phenomenal! The string instrument performers have very clean transitions between notes. The music choice for the Masterworks I Concert was perfect. I like the calmer, gentler music because it is very soothing. My favorite instrument was the violin. I love music that you can actually have feeling about. Music is awesome! 

Trees Upstate

Trees Upstate is an organization that gives out trees and plants trees in the Upstate. Tree giveaways are when people register and pick up trees or walk up to pick available trees. I have volunteered a lot at these events and people are always grateful for help. Tree plantings are when volunteers register and plant trees in an area of choice. One time, I planted three trees in a half hour. You might think that's not a lot, but tree planting is hard work. Trees Upstate is getting trees in the ground to help with climate change and to restore native trees to the Upstate. 

How to plant a tree

So, we have a tree? Awesome! Let's plant it. First, we have to dig a hole three times as wide as the pot. Second, we need to find the root flare. The root flare is the first horizontal root coming from the tree. After that, put the tree in the ground. If you lay a rake down and more than one of your fingers fit, it is too high. If there is any room between the rake and the root flare, it is too low. To finish, fill the hole in with the original dirt and add tree and shrub soil and pack down. After the tree is in the ground, water it. Your tree should be watered every day for a few days, then watered every other day for a few weeks. We have planted a tree!!! 

Poetry by Robert Frost

Robert Frost was a poet and loved to walk in the woods. He wrote a ton of poems and my favorite is THE BEAR. These poems express Frost's feelings about life. Here is THE BEAR.

The bear puts both arms around the tree above her

And draws it down as if it were a lover

And its choke cherries lips to kiss good-by,

Then lets it snap back upright in the sky.

Her next step rocks a boulder on the wall

(She’s making her cross-country in the fall).

Her great weight creaks the barbed wire in its staples

As she flings over and off down through the maples,

Leaving on one wire tooth a lock of hair.

Such is the uncaged progress of the bear.

The world has room to make a bear feel free;

The universe seems cramped to you and me.

Man acts more like the poor bear in a cage,

That all day fights a nervous inward rage,

His mood rejecting all his mind suggests.

He paces back and forth and never rests

The me-nail click and shuffle of his feet,

The telescope at one end of his beat,

And at the other end the microscope,

Two instruments of nearly equal hope,

And in conjunction giving quite a spread.

Or if he rests from scientific tread,

‘Tis only to sit back and sway his head

Through ninety-odd degrees of arc, it seems,

Between two metaphysical extremes.

He sits back on his fundamental butt

With lifted snout and eyes (if any) shut

(He almost looks religious but he’s not),

And back and forth he sways from cheek to cheek,

At one extreme agreeing with one Greek

At the other agreeing with another Greek

Which may be thought, but only so to speak.

A baggy figure, equally pathetic

When sedentary and when peripatetic. 

Arches National Park

Arches is one of my favorite parks because it is so unique. I enjoyed the hiking and the variety in the terrain. Fiery Furnace was amazing! It had many places where I had to do a spider climb on the sides of the walls. Another time I almost fell off a rock ledge. We came back up the same way we came because we went the wrong way. The Devil's Garden hike was strenuous but awesome! I had to climb over large boulders and creep down rock faces. The arches themselves were insane! Landscape Arch is the widest and one of the most popular. I can see why. The size and grandeur was incredible! This National Park is one to remember! 

Zion National Park

Zion is awesome! I enjoyed getting up early to catch the first shuttle of the day. The Narrows is a 9 mile hike through a river. Some parts are deeper than I can stand! The rocks are slippery but the end is worth it. Big Spring is very pretty and there is a flat area to skip rocks. The way back is much easier because I was going downstream. This was an amazing experience! The rest of the park was awesome too. I loved looking around and seeing beauty all around me. Zion is extraordinary!

Yellow Garden Spiders

Yellow garden spiders are large orb-weavers, meaning they spin a circular web. Most spiders have two claws on each leg tip, but orb weavers have an additional claw to help them spin their ornate webs. In females, the top side of the abdomen is black with symmetrical patches of bright yellow. Their legs are reddish brown at the base and black toward the tips. Males are less striking in appearance as they are smaller with brownish legs and less yellow coloration on their abdomens. Females average 0.75 to 1.1 inches in body length, up to three times larger than the males. Yellow garden spiders can be found throughout the continental United States and Canada, Mexico, and Central America. They spin webs in sunny areas with plants on which they can attach the webs. You might even see them in your backyard! These spiders produce venom that is harmless to humans, but helps to immobilize prey like flies, bees, and other flying insects that are caught in the web. The web of the garden spider contains a easy to see zigzagging X-shaped pattern called a stabilimentum. The exact function of the stabilimentum is unknown, but its purpose may be to alert birds to the presence of the web so that they don’t fly through and destroy it by mistake. The spider may eat and respin its web each night. Yellow Garden Spiders are fascinating!

How to have better Mental and Emotional health

Mental and emotional health are important because they impact your daily function. If one has a mental illness, they may begin to exhibit self harm behaviors. These could be repeated banging of the head, overeating, or causing oneself to bleed. This is bad, right? Emotional health can cause one to fall into a state of depression and also exhibit self harm behaviors. A mental issue can cause someone to be extremely happy, then extremely sad or angry. Medication is usually necessary for illnesses and someone with a happy-sad/angry issue may resist medication because they feel amazing. Someone with depression, however, will happily accept medication because they want to get away from the bad feelings about themself or the world surrounding them. Emotional health can be improved much more easily than mental health because emotions change all the time and mental illnesses begin at birth. Take autism. It starts with a baby not learning to return a smile. A parent is slightly confused but thinks "Oh, they're still a baby." The child is now a toddler. He is now learning to be successful in society. However, he is struggling with normal speech and social activity. The parents are more confused but think he is just a slow learner. The child is growing and is about 7 or 8. He will not return a smile, engage in normal conversation, or act his age. Now the parents take the child to a doctor and he is diagnosed with autism. Mental and emotional health are crucial to a happy life.


Hiking is awesome! My favorite hikes are long, difficult, and mentally and physically exhausting. I enjoy hiking because it allows me to clear my mind (most of the time) and get exercise (occasionally too much). Hiking is very good because trails can be chosen based on experience and mood. If I am feeling ambitious, I will choose a difficult trail. If I just want a nice, leisurely walk in the woods, I will choose an easier trail. I have learned that life is about making it through every moment of the day and to keep pressing on. Hiking is such an amazing activity!

Why to believe in God

There is a chart of a few reasons why to believe in God. Here is how it works. There are two options: Believe in God, or Do not believe in God. Believing in God has a positive if he does exist, and a neutral if he does not. Not believing has a neutral if God does not exist, and a negative if he does. You make the call: Which option is better, just from a logical perspective? I personally think believing is much better, but seriously, make a decision already! Another reason to believe is all the blessings God gives you. If you do not believe, God will not give you very many blessings. I love to pray and observe God answering my prayers. God is so amazing that it is very difficult to understand what he is doing. However, in Heaven, God will explain at an extremely high level but we will be able to at least begin to comprehend what in the world he is talking about! Acknowledge that God is your Lord and Savior and things will go so much better in your life!

How To Make Extremely Yummy Bread

Here is my bread recipe: 

1/2 cup warm water

1/2 cup warm milk

2 Tbsp melted butter

1 egg

3 Tbsp honey

2 cups bread flour

1 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp salt

2 1/4 tsp yeast

Here are the instructions:

Put the milk and water in a measuring cup. Add the butter to the measuring cup and put cup in microwave. Move liquid to a breadmaker pan. Add egg, honey, flour, and salt. Add yeast and put in breadmaker on dough setting. Once the breadmaker is done its job, move dough to a loaf pan and bake on 350F for 15 minutes, then 325F for 10 minutes. If bread is not fully baked, bake for a few more minutes on 325F. Bread is very important to your health as it contains many whole grains and some nutrients. Bread is quite delicious too!  

Mesa Verde National Park

The ancient architecture in this park is amazing! My favorite was Long House. It had many rooms and an awesome Great Kiva. A kiva is a circular hole in the ground that is made sturdy with bricks. I can imagine the view waking up in the morning 7 or 800 years ago. The valley is beautiful! I enjoyed the amount of hiking trails in the park. Most of them led to areas of interest, such as a view or a dwelling. Mesa Verde was incredible! 

Canyonlands National Park

In Canyonlands, we hiked the Syncline loop. It was 9 miles and very difficult. I had a great time but this hike was kind of a once and done. We had to climb over boulders and up a cliff. Syncline Crater was formed by a meteor impact and Upheaval Dome was formed by all the debris piling up and settling after the impact. Oh, I almost forgot! The sunrise was amazing! We viewed it through Mesa Arch and it was awesome! Canyonlands was very interesting!

Dead Horse State Park

Dead Horse has a very interesting history. Firstly, its name. This park is called Dead Horse because, well, there were dead horses. Ranchers and cowboys would herd wild horses into a corral they established and pick the healthiest ones. They left the other horses to fend for themselves. Another interesting thing is that potash pools were built in the 1960s. They are used to extract potassium chloride or potash from a mine. Dead Horse is important in the past, present, and future.

Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon has a lot in store for you! There are a ton of trails, hoodoos, and so much more! Hoodoos are large spires of rock formed by ice fissures in the rock. The name came from the native American word for fear: oodoooo. The Amphitheater is where all the hoodoos are and it is a wonder! The Queen's Garden hike is amazing and I felt so small among the rock. While we were in the park, there was a wildfire just outside the park boundary. I was concerned, but it ended up going out on its own. This was an amazing experience! 

Capitol Reef National Park

Capitol Reef did not have as much hiking as others, but it is special in other ways. For example, Fruita orchards. These are hundred year old trees that have high quality fruit. The Fremont River runs right along Waterpocket Fold, which is a fold in the rock due to moving tectonic plates. There still were some trails, like the Capitol Gorge trail, which leads to the Tanks; ephemeral pools that water collects in. This park is not very popular but it is quite a sight! 

Hot Springs National Park

Hot Springs is a very different park then every other. It has several bathhouses, of which only two are functional. One is available for an on the spot, self guided tour of the bathing area. I preferred the few trails there were. One led up to the observation tower. From there I could see for miles! I greatly enjoyed Hot Springs National Park!


Pawhuska, OK

Pawhuska is a sweet little town! The Pioneer Woman Mercantile is there and the food is amazing! My favorite was the olive cheese bread. We took a walk to a bridge but it was closed. I read a book and we left the town. 

Great Basin National Park

Great Basin is an amazing national park! There are mountains, caves, and everything in between! We hiked the bristlecone pine loop and the pines were very old. Some were thousands of years old and these are the oldest trees in existence. I loved the mountain view with snow still at the top. I found some snow in a ditch and walked on it a bit. The Lehman Cave tour was incredible! The formations were brilliant and I took a lot of pictures! This experience is one to remember! 

Craters of the Moon National Monument

I can definitely see why this area has its name! There are rocks and bumps everywhere! All of the rocks are actually from ancient volcanism in the area. My favorite rocks from Craters are the light, airy types. It is very interesting to see tall, old volcano cones and deep, wide lava tubes within a half mile. I enjoyed seeing the diversity of the rocks and hiking many different places. 

Whitewater Rafting Snowmass, CO

Whitewater rafting was an awesome experience! I got very wet and shaken around but the scenery was beautiful! I learned how to put my feet under the seat in front of me to keep from falling out of the raft. My favorite part of the adventure was splashing down large rapids. I loved our trip down the Glenwood River!

The Debate Over Viruses: Living or Dead?

Are viruses living or dead? I will present evidence for both sides and then give my opinion. Viruses are considered living by some because they have genetic information and they attack a cell like a parasite. Evidence for the other side is that viruses do not reproduce independently and the do not undergo cell processes. I personally think viruses are dead hulls of genetic information that can only reproduce with the help of other bodies that are living. 

Music Staff

A staff is a row of notes on a chart that tell a musician how to play a song. the notes are C D E F G A B C D E F G A B C. I was very confused by the second round of notes at first but figured it out eventually. The key to learning music is to not get discouraged and put yourself down. The hardest notes to play are when you have to use many fingers and place them in awkward positions. 

\|/image of staff below\|/

Nutrition Is Very Important

Eating fruits and vegetables everyday is very important to good health because they contain nutrients found nowhere else. Superfoods are produce that has a TON of nutrients. Most fruits are high in vitamin C, while vegetables have more diverse nutrition facts. Without enough nutrients, the human body cannot perform all of the necessary tasks to survive. At the time of writing, I was eating fruit and practising good nutrition. 

Take a 5 min break to eat

King Lear Review

In this play, Lear is going mad. His daughters are turning against him and taking over the land. Lear and Cordelia remain faithful, but everyone else does not. In the end, Lear and Cordelia die:(. This play is a fight for power while going crazy.  

 Limiting Screen Time

Screen time limits are very important because blue light is bad for your eyes. Also, screens are addictive and keep your body aawake at night. Games on a screen can be pointless and videos can be too. Overall, screens are not very helpful and can cause issues. The only benefits to screens is the wide area of information and music.


 All About Elephants

Elephants are amazing animals! They can weigh up to 10000 pounds and can smash through almost anything. Elephants live in mild to warm climates and love water. They enjoy a savanna or grassland to roam around on. Baby elephants are adorable and mothers will do anything it takes to protect their babies. A herd will surround the babies to protect them from predators. Elephants like to eat fruit and leaves and grass. They can eat up to 352.75 pounds of food a day. They drink up to 42.25 gallons of water a day. An elephant's trunk has 40000 muscles and can pick up a golf cart. Elephants sure are awesome!

Modes of Movement in Single Celled Organisms

There are three modes of movement in organisms: flagella, cilia, and pseudopods. Flagella are long tail-like organelles that whip around to propel an organism forward. Organisms that use flagella are Euglena, Pseudomonas, Clostridium, and Escherichia. Cilia are small oar-like extensions that beat to push an organism along. Organisms that use cilia are Paramecium. Pseudopods are extensions that an organism pushes itself into in a inchworm-like motion to cross an open area. Organisms that use pseudopods are Amoeba. These modes of movement are incredible for such tiny creatures!    

Compare and Contrast Two Shakespeare Plays

I will be comparing Romeo and Juliet and A Midsummer Night's Dream. To start off, let's look at the similarities. They both have lovers in the night. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo runs to Juliet's balcony in the middle of the night. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Lysander and Hermia run off into the woods at night. Also, both plays have disagreement of parents over their children's decisions. In Romeo and Juliet, Montague and Capulet do not want Romeo and Juliet married, but neither father is obeyed and the wedding occurs. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Egeus tells Hermia that she must marry Demetrius, but Hermia wants to marry Lysander. Now, on to the differences. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, there is a wood and fairies in the wood. That is the setting for most of the play. In Romeo and Juliet, there is not a main setting. The play moves from one location to the next. Another difference is the ending. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Everyone ends alive and it is a generally happy ending. In Romeo and Juliet, it is not such a happy ending. Romeo and Juliet are dead and everyone is unhappy. The last difference is the play type. Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, and A Midsummer Night's Dream is a comedy. Hope you enjoyed! 

How Long a Human can Survive Without...


Fruit has so many nutrients and it tastes great! The most common nutrient in fruit is Vitamin C. It is helpful to your immune system and cannot be produced by the human body. My favorite fruit is blueberry. I also like grapes. Fruit is awesome!

Why Guinea Pigs Are The Best Pets

Guinea pigs are definitely the best pets. Here's why. Guinea pigs are very cute and they do not require much space. Also, Piggies are very kind to their owners and love eating food. I love snuggling and watching my Guinea pig run. Guineas are the best! 

The Importance of Lab Safety

I cut my finger with a scalpel, and so I felt like I should write this. If using a knife,  make sure to keep fingers away from the blade. If injury occurs, make sure to wash out the cut. If you do not, there will be infection. This all sums up to say, lab safety is so important!

Dairy is Great!

Dairy is very good for you because it has a lot of calcium and vitamin D. A lot of dairy is great tasting and has many nutrients. That is a reason to eat dairy. Some people say dairy causes cancer. They are wrong as studies have shown the exact opposite. I enjoy eating dairy because it tastes great and provides a lot of nutrition. Overall, dairy is amazing for you!

P.S. I Love You

This organization is around to help foster families that need supplies. I volunteer to help the families and organize the clothes. If children do not have what they need, they will not be happy and safe. I love assisting in any way possible to make sure everyone is happy and healthy. If a child comes into the donation center, they receive a backpack and get to pick all of their supplies and a toy. One day, a seven year old came in and was given a backpack with some supplies and a Bible. He also chose R/C vehicles and a bike. It was awesome to see his excitement as he ripped open the R/C package and ride his new bike around the parking lot! This is why volunteering is so important. 

Little Adventures

These guinea pigs are adorable! Little Adventures is a YouTube channel that shows guineas doing guinea things like eating or playing or trying out a new toy. Some of the videos are Easter egg hunts and floor time. My favorite guinea is Lulu. She is a long haired guinea pig and has white, black, and brown hair. Lulu tries to be bossy but Gatsby is the real lead pig. These piggies are very fun to watch if you are having a bad day, and will always make a great addition to your day. Fitz is the youngest guinea pig and also the newest. Gatsby is the boss. Nugget is the baby of the herd because she is the smallest. Lumi always tries to get attention. I love Guinea Pigs!

Narrative of Cutting my Finger

While doing an experiment, I cut my finger trying to cut a fungus in half. I went to the ER and waited for hours. Luckily, I used the topical numbing and did not have to get shots. After an hour wait from the topical and the normal wait time, I got stitches, and left. It was difficult to do life functions for a little while, but I was okay. A week later, I went to a hand specialist, got X-Rays, and removed the stitches. I was given a ball to squeeze and now I am healing nicely. 

Health Food Tips


Nerf blasters are very fun and provide hours of enjoyment. There are many different types and they all are good for different things. Elite are good for good old blasting away and are very accurate. They are the most popular type of blaster and use regular darts. Mega are what they seem to be: large versions of Elite blasters. They use larger darts and are usually red while Elite are blue or dark teal. Ultra are the longest flying darts and hurt badly if hit. Ultra are white, black, and gold. Nerf is such a diverse brand and there are endless possibilities.


Notochords are long cords of material that add structure to an organism. They function like a backbone. These are great for chordates that can't have a backbone. I like Backbones more though.

According to Humphrey

Humphrey is a Golden Hamster that helps his (human) classmates solve problems they are dealing with. Humphrey can escape from his cage and walk around the school. In later books, he visits Gigi the Guinea pig in another classroom. I love Guinea pigs so I was HAPPY-HAPPY-HAPPY when she came along. Humphrey was annoyed when Og the Frog was added to the class. He believed that Og was a replacement for him. After that crisis was averted, Humphrey and Og became very good friends. One of my favorite parts was when Og helped Humphrey get out from under a bag of food. Humphrey was trapped and Og pushed the bag of food off of him. Humphrey Is A Very Awesome Hamster!

List of Books of the Bible

I Would Change This Shakespeare Play

I would change King Lear because there are a lot of issues in my opinion. One is that the main character is dead at the end. I feel like this is a big No-No of a story. Another issue is that there is not enough detail about the the characters. I would add a lot of that as it gives description to the personal disputes between characters. There is also no detail about transportation which is odd to me. There is no mention of animals. They would be good to add because it gives more context. This is what I would change about King Lear.

I Would Not Eat This Food

Tofu: It is not yummy and not healthy either. I would not eat it because it is fake meat that is not healthy.

Sheep meat: It is simply gross and terrible for you. 

Snake meat: It is horrible to eat and is not good for nutrition.

Refined carbohydrates: Not good for blood sugar levels and can cause inflammation.

Added salt: It is more common than you think and can cause high blood pressure.

 Review of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

This book is a classic and I'm sure most people have read it. I will be reviewing it. I enjoyed the part where the children are given their gifts because everyone is very happy and their spirits are lifted. It was just so unfortunate that Edmund was absent, and there was no gift for him. I think that it is foreshadowing to something dreadful will happen My least favorite character was the White Witch. She is the "Witch" part of the title and the antagonist of the story. My favorite character is Aslan. He is the Great Lion and is the "Lion" part of the title and symbolizes God, which makes me happy. The wardrobe is where the children enter Narnia and is a very interesting part of the story. The wardrobe to Narnia journey begins during an innocent game of hide-and-go-seek. Lucy hides inside the wardrobe and realises that it is way deeper than it looks. Then, Lucy emerges into a snowy forest. None of the other children believe her until they go in the wardrobe for themselves. More adventures occur and finally the children make it to Cair Paravel and fill the thrones to end the Witch's rule. Of the characters, I can relate to Peter the most as I have similar qualities to his. I hope those of you that haven't read this book will soon!

9 Odd Facts About Shakespeare

Why Science is The BEST!

Shakespeare Trends

A very popular theme in Shakespeare's plays was the main character committing suicide. Another was male main characters. Others are the main character doing insane things to find the love of a female character and people dying. Shakespeare was a bit odd, if I do say so myself!

Types of Immune Cells and Their Functions

Neutrophil: Has an oddly shaped nucleus, can eject particles to trap and kill pathogens or engulfs pathogens to kill them.

Eosinophil: Similar to Neutrophil, less spastic and eager to kill.

Basophil: Very similar to Eosinophil.

Macrophage: Large cell that engulfs pathogens to kill them.

Dendritic cell: Receives antigen from Macrophage and carries it to lymph nodes.

T-Cell: Receives antigen from Dendritic cell and begins creating an army to fight off pathogens.

B-Cell: Same as T-Cell, antibodies are main form of attack, not binding and killing.

I hope you enjoyed my analysis of the immune cells! 

Shakespeare Character Analysis

I will be analysing Hamlet. He is the main character of Hamlet and is a bit insane. I do not relate to him at all and I disagree with his famous soliloquy "To be or not to be". It doesn't make sense! I enjoyed the play but felt that Hamlet's actions were a little rash. He acted much too quickly and did not think about any effects. Hamlet overall is an arrogant character that only cares about himself and his desires. 

Guinea Pig Sounds and What They Mean

WHEEK!: It means a piggie is excited or wants food

Purr: It means a piggie is either unhappy or content. It is ironic that this sound has opposite meanings and it can be difficult to determine which meaning is expressed

Squeal: This is a piggie pain cry. It should not be heard often if at all.

Rumble strutting: It is a dominance sound and is not heard very often.

Teeth chattering: It is an annoyance sound and is heard if a piggie is frustrated.

This is My Favorite Shakespeare Play

My favorite play is Much Ado About Nothing. I enjoyed it because it was humorous and ridiculous! Some of the funniest events were the disguises and when Beatrice and Benedick get married out of pity for each other. Overall, this was a silly play and I think it is one of the most lighthearted Shakespeare plays.

All About Algebra

Some people refer to algebra as the point at which letters get involved in math. Algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating those symbols. It forms the basis for advanced studies in many fields, including mathematics, science, engineering, medicine, and economics.

In its simplest form, algebra involves using equations to find the unknown. Real-life problems probably drove the development of algebra. Algebra has been used since the development of problem solving.

Here’s an example. A wagon carries a load of hay bales. Suddenly, it hits a rut in the road. Six bales fall off! Luckily, ten bales are left.  How many bales of hay did the wagon have before it hit the rut? You can use the algebraic expression “x - 6 = 10” to answer this question. In this equation, x represents the unknown (how many bales of hay were on the wagon at the start). Six is the number of hay bales that fell off, and ten is the number still on the wagon. By adding six to each side of the equation, you’ll find that x equals 16. So, the wagon had 16 hay bales before it hit the rut in the road.(wonderopolis.org)

Algebra gets much more complicated than that simple equation. This leaves many students wondering when, if ever, they’ll use algebra in real life. Does it have any use? If not, why do you have to learn it?

For starters, algebra is fundamental for other classes. That means you’ll apply what you learn in algebra throughout school. Learning algebra helps to develop your critical thinking skills. That includes problem solving, logic, patterns, and reasoning. You need to know algebra for many professions, especially those in science and math. Think science doesn’t use math? You’ll probably still use algebra without even realizing it!

Here are some examples: It’s time to fill up your car’s gas tank. The price of gas per gallon is $3 and you only have $25 to spend. How much gas can you purchase? This can be answered by the algebraic equation, “3x = 25.” You must divide each side of the equation by 3 in order to isolate x. In this equation, x is equal to 25 divided by 3, which is 8.33 gallons of gas. If you need 10 gallons of gas, how much money do you need?(wonderopolis.org)

You would like to purchase Internet service for your home. Company A requires a setup fee of $10 and charges a monthly fee of $25. Company B does not charge a setup fee but charges $26 per month. Which company is less expensive for one year of service? We can find out by first calculating the total cost for Company A: x = $10 + $25*12 (months in a year), which comes to $310. The equation for Company B is x = $26*12, which totals $312. At first glance, it might have seemed like Company B would be cheaper, because they do not charge a setup fee, but algebra showed us differently! (wonderopolis.org)

There are many other examples of real-world uses of algebra, from comparing prices on similar products in a grocery store to figuring out what time you need to leave your house in order to meet a friend across town on time. This is why I love Algebra!

My Violin Adventure

Violin is an awesome activity to participate in! It is my favorite instrument and its sound is amazing! Violin is difficult to play because the finger placements are hard to remember. However, once you learn the notes, it is actually quite easy. I know the notes on the D and A strings well, but I am still perfecting my E and G strings. Guinea pigs love the sound of a violin, especially Shaggy. I hope that other people will play violin too, as it is an insanely enjoyable use of time. One of my favorite songs to play on a violin is the Can-Can dance from Orpheus in the Underworld. Another of my favorites is Jingle Bells. I love violin!

Top 10 Deadliest Ailments Still Around Today

1. Ischemic heart disease, or coronary artery disease

The deadliest disease in the world is coronary artery disease (CAD). Also called ischemic heart disease, CAD occurs when the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart become narrowed. Untreated CAD can lead to chest pain, heart failure, and arrhythmias.

2. Stroke

A stroke occurs when an artery in your brain is blocked or leaks. This causes the oxygen-deprived brain cells to begin dying within minutes. During a stroke, you feel sudden numbness and confusion or have trouble walking and seeing. If left untreated, a stroke can cause long-term disability. In fact, strokes are the leading cause of long-term disabilities. People who receive treatment within 3 hours of having a stroke are less likely to have disabilities. One survey found that 93% of people knew sudden numbness on one side was a symptom of stroke. However, only 38% knew all the symptoms that would prompt them to look for emergency care.

3. Lower respiratory infections

A lower respiratory infection is an infection in your airways and lungs. It can be due to influenza, pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis (TB). Though viruses usually cause lower respiratory infections, they can also be caused by bacteria. Coughing is the main symptom of a lower respiratory infection. It may produce blood sputum. You may also have a fever, sweating, or chills or experience breathlessness, wheezing, and a tight feeling in your chest.

4. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term, progressive lung disease that makes breathing difficult. Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are types of COPD.

5. Trachea, bronchus, and lung cancers

Respiratory cancers include cancers of the trachea, larynx, bronchus, and lungs. The main causes are smoking, secondhand smoke, and environmental toxins. However, household pollutants, such as fuels and mold, also contribute.

6. Diabetes mellitus

Diabetes is a group of diseases that affect the production or use of insulin. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. This type of diabetes is believed to be caused by an autoimmune reaction. In type 2 diabetes, the pancreas doesn’t produce enough insulin, or insulin can’t be used effectively. Type 2 diabetes can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet and physical inactivity.

7. Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory, interferes with decision making, and interrupts normal cognitive functions. These include thinking, reasoning, and other everyday behaviors. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia and accounts for about 60 to 70% of cases. The disease starts off by causing mild memory problems, difficulty recalling information, and slips in recollection. Over time, however, the disease progresses, and you may not have memory of large periods of time.

8. Dehydration due to diarrheal diseases

Diarrhea is when you pass three or more loose stools in a day. If your diarrhea lasts more than a few days, your body loses too much water and salt. This causes dehydration, which can be fatal in severe cases. Diarrhea is usually caused by an intestinal virus or bacteria transmitted through contaminated water or food. It’s particularly widespread in areas with poor sanitary conditions.

9. Tuberculosis

TB is a lung condition caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It’s a treatable airborne bacterium, although some strains are resistant to conventional treatments. TB is one of the top causes of death in people who have HIV. Also, people who have HIV are 18 times more likely to develop active TB.

10. Cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is the result of chronic or long-term scarring and damage to the liver. The damage may be the result of a kidney disease, or it can be caused by conditions such as hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, or nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. A healthy liver filters harmful substances from your blood and sends healthy blood into your body. As substances damage the liver, scar tissue forms. As more scar tissue forms, the liver has to work harder to function properly and may eventually stop working.

These diseases sure are awful!

source: vinmec.com

Geocentric vs Heliocentric Solar System Model

The Geocentric Solar System model was proposed by Aristotle and backed up by Ptolemy. It has the Earth at the center and all the other celestial bodies surrounding it. The Heliocentric Solar System model was proposed by Aristarchus, Copernicus, and Galileo. It has the Sun at the center and all the celestial bodies, including Earth, surrounding it. The correlations and differences are amazingly interesting! I enjoy reading about these systems of representation of the solar system and universe.

Shaggy Poem

Shiggy Shaggy you love to wheek

Shiggy Shaggy you love to eat

We snuggle and play every day

I hope you never fade away

You and I enjoy a good read 

You are the Guinea companion I need

Shakespeare's Impact on Literature

William Shakespeare was a Jacobean playwright. He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets. He pulled suicide and mortality into a relatively happy time period of literature. However, people did not feel depressed or anxious. They just appreciated the mastery of plot and wordplay. Other playwrights followed suit and soon, there was tragedy and drama filling the theaters. For one man, Shakespeare influenced a ton of writers!

Here is the post in Shakespearean: 

William shakespeare wast a jacobean playwright.  That gent wroteth 37 plays and 154 sonnets.  That gent did pull suicide and m'rtality into a relatively joyous timeth p'riod of did light'rature.  Howev'r, people didst not feeleth depress'd 'r anxious.  Those gents just appreciat'd the mast'ry of plot and w'rdplay.  Oth'r playwrights hath followed suiteth and lief, th're wast tragedy and drama filling the theat'rs.  F'r one sir, shakespeare influenc'd a ton of writ'rs!

Money and the Trust System

Money is a very interesting concept. It is based on value and belief. Everything starts with a new concept, for example, paper. When paper money was invented, it held a lot of value because it was unique and infrequently possessed. Eventually, we arrived where we are today because of inflation and lack of trust. Every type of object with monetary value cycles through the same process: Invention, production, inflation, and demise. Let me explain. Invention is as I presented earlier, production is the making of the currency, inflation is making too much currency, and demise is well, kicking the bucket. Hopefully we will figure out a solid currency soon!

Types of Instruments

The most common classifications of musical instruments divide instruments into five categories: String, Brass, Woodwind, Percussion, and keyboard instruments.


Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea Guinea

ShiggyShaggy is a cute Guinea pig

I love to snuggle with him all day

He loves to come out of his cage and play

Shaggy loves to eat a ton of veggies

He enjoys some timothy hay treats too

He yeets his waterbottle in the air

It flies and water goes everywhere

Shaggy loves to do the Guinea pig dance

His moves put everybody in a trance

My Shaggy piggie loves to Guineasleep

He spends a lot of his day counting sheep

ShiggyShag wants to Guineasay goodbye

He loves meeting people to say hi

Shakespeare's Influence on Literature and Society

Shakespeare had a very interesting influence on literature, but also an odd influence on the world that we live in. Literature is a little more dramatic than before Shakespeare's time, resulting in more exciting plays and books. People quote Shakespeare every day and the world would be slightly strange if there were not quotes flying around. I enjoy reading Shakespeare's works and I hope you do too. They cause you to think about your position in the universe completely differently and it is incredibly interesting.

You Should Join Scouts

Here is why you should join Scouts. To start off, there are many outdoor and community experiences. My troop does a campout every month and most weeks there is an opportunity to serve in the community. Everyone treats each other with kindness and respect and we all enjoy hanging out together. I love helping other scouts with things and giving my opinion on a topic and being able to see my impact on the community. At time of writing I am the APL, or Assistant Patrol Leader, and it is my job to help the patrol leader get things done properly and in the absence of the patrol leader, I am temporarily the patrol leader. Below is the link for my troop, and if you join, make sure to mention that I caused you to join. 

Backpacking 10 Essentials

Disc Golf Numbers Explained

Disc golf is a wonderful sport for people that enjoy the outdoors and sports. However, the four numbers that you find on a disc can be confusing. Not for long! The first number is speed. It tells you how fast the disc flies after it is released. Speed is on a scale from 1 to 14. A higher speed disc will cut into the wind more easily. They also are better for throwing into the wind. A slower speed disc will fly more slowly but is more accurate. These are better for throwing downwind. Slower speed discs are recommended for beginners as they require less power to fly properly. Let's move on to glide. Glide shows how well the disc stays in the air. It is on a scale of 1 to 7. A high glide disc will fly for a long time and will hang in the air. A low glide disc will fly for less time and will fall easily. Low glide discs are more accurate in high wind situations. One of the lesser understood numbers is turn. It is not hard to learn though. Turn tells how much the disc will curve in its flight. A high turn disc will curve more, while a low turn disc will curve less. It is on a scale of 1 to -5. The last number is fade. This shows how much the disc will hook off to the side at the end of its flight. It is on a scale of 0 to 5. A low fade disc will end very straight, and a high fade disc will hook very dramatically at the end. I hope you can understand disc stats a bit better now!


Duolingo is a language learning platform. It features 39 different languages. The "Learn" tab has a "learning path" that takes a learner through lessons, with stories and rewards along the way. Leaderboards give learners challenges to complete to aid them in beating opponents. A select number of learners advance to the next league. Quests encourage a learner to practice more, and after a while, a learner will find themselves able to form complete sentences and use correct pronunciation. A streak is another tool for encouragement to maintain a habit of practicing every day. The shop contains items that help a learner to achieve their learning goals. For example, Streak Freezes allow a learner to keep their streak even if they do not practice one day. However, streak freezes do not add to the streak, as their name suggests, they keep the streak as it is. The "Practice" tab allows a learner to review units and correct mistakes. Overall, Duolingo is an amazing use of time and teaches languages quickly and effectively.

More Immunology

I have been fond of immunology for several years, especially since I have understood my mom's autoimmune diseases. I would like to inform you on the immune cells and how they function. The pathogens that we are combatting are mainly bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are small, unicellular organisms that attempt to exploit the human body. Viruses are tiny hulls full of genetic material that is used to take over human cells. There is a large debate over whether viruses are living organisms. In favor of viruses being alive, they have genetic material and can perform a few processes. In favor of viruses being non-living, viruses are just hulls that rely on other organisms to reproduce. I personally think that viruses are non-living, as the evidence seems more solid. Now, on to the immune system! Macrophages are large cells that engulf pathogenic organisms. "Phage" means "eat", and "Macro" means "large". Combine them and you get: " large eater". These are my favorite immune cells, simply because of their name and what they do. Macrophages patrol the blood, searching for foreign material. If they encounter something, they inspect it. If it is something like dust, then they (usually) leave it be. If it is a pathogen, they alert other cells and begin devouring. Neutrophils are up next. They can engulf pathogens and release granules that are lethal to pathogens. Neutrophils can also cast a net of sorts; similar to the granules, the net is lethal to pathogens. However, they have to explode to release their net. This is why the body produces so many neutrophils. Basophils and eosinophils are very similar to the neutrophils, they are just shaped differently and have different attack styles. These three cells are known as the granulocytes. This is where the modes change. All of the previous cells are part of the Innate Immune System. Most of the next cells are part of the Adaptive Immune System. The dendritic cell is the branch between the two. It samples a pathogen, then takes the sample to the T cells. The dendritic cell is searching for a matching MHC-2 protein. These proteins are like license plates on an organism. Once the dendritic cell finds a match, it awakens the T cell by connecting its sample to the receptor on the cell. This new cell begins to rapidly make copies of itself, dividing into two different types of T cells. Helper T cells go to the B cells and find a match. The helper T cells awaken a B cell with the same process as the dendritic cell. The B cell rapidly makes copies of itself, creating a massive army. Cytotoxic T cells make copies and form their large army. These T cells are armed with proteins that it uses to kill and destroy infected cells. The B cells are armed with antibodies, small proteins that cling to pathogens and clump them together. Macrophages consume the easily accessible pathogens. The antibodies also allow for boring into the invading organisms. Complement bores into the pathogens. Complement is an army of proteins that, when activated, causes misery the little monsters have never known. A protein attaches to the pathogen, allowing others to attach. Eventually, proteins bore a hole through the pathogen's membrane, causing its insides to spew out. A unique cell that is not in the normal immune reaction is the natural killer cell. It scans human cells to check for cancer. If a cancerous cell is discovered, the NKC orders the cell to commit apoptosis, or suicide by explosion. These wonderful cells aid in keeping the body cancer-free. Now, back to the macrophages and T and B cells. Remember when I said that they usually leave something like a harmless piece of dust alone? Well, if there is a disorder with the immune cells, they will cause a whole immune reaction against an innocent little piece of material. This is an allergy. The macrophages and granulocytes begin demolishing and the dendritic cells sample. The dendritic cells go to the T cells, and find a match. The T cells awaken the B cells and the battle is in full swing. Allergies make you feel sick because the immune cells are fighting for no reason. Autoimmune diseases happen for a similar reason. To understand it, we must back up a bit. T cells originate in the thymus. It is a small organ in the neck. The T cells go through a test to make sure they will not attack the body once awakened. When a cell with a taste for humans is discovered, it is destroyed. If the thymus is faulty, autoimmune diseases occur. Think of it this way: the body is trying to eat itself from the inside. The complexities that I have described are what keep me enraptured with the immune system. I hope I have given you a bit of insight into how the body protects itself from disease. 

Fall Festivals and Events

There are many festivals going on in the Charlotte area. Others are general fall festivals, and these celebrate festivities of the fall, like apples, pumpkins, corn mazes, and more. Most of these types of festivals have music and games as well, like the Matthews Alive Festival, which has music, games, shops, food, and stalls.Some festivals are world famous, like the Charlotte International Arts Festival. It is so popular because talented artists from around the world come to exhibit their art. 

Some festivals celebrate other cultures, like Greek culture, Latino culture, Serbian culture, Lebanese culture, and many more cultures. There is a Greek Festival at the Greek Orthodox cathedral in Charlotte, and an Ethiopian New Year Festival that is also in Charlotte. Some more of these cultural festivals are Oktoberfest celebrations, which celebrate German culture, food, and beer. Oktoberfest is a huge holiday in Germany, so the Germans bring it to us to celebrate in America. A very popular Oktoberfest celebration is Mecktoberfest, at Olde Mecklenburg Brewing. It includes food, beer, stein-hoisting competitions, music, and other games. 

It is neat to see the food and activities from these other countries, like the Indian food, the Armenian activities, and Serbia’s passion for soccer. I enjoy the festivals that have music, stalls to visit, and games to play, like the fall-fests. I also enjoy some of the culture fairs, especially the ones with foreign games, like the International Festival in Charlotte and the Cornelius Festival of Cultures. These are very interesting and I like to visit them

There are car shows like the Hornet’s Nest Auto Fest at the Charlotte Motor Speedway that allow people to show off their car to the public and to judges. This is a multi-day event, and there will be hundreds, if not thousands of vehicles to view. They are judged based on many characteristics, like engine type, horsepower, era, and a few others. There is a festival called the Carolina Renaissance Festival that is themed after the medieval and Renaissance time periods. It showcases knight battles, jester tricks, shows, among many other activities.  

When looking for a festival, choose one that suits your taste. If you want to try something new, then head to one of the foreign festivals. If you want a good old music and games fest, then make your way to the fall festivals. If you want to see vehicles galore, then go to a car show. Now, go on and join the festivities!


Rocking Out Rock Climbing: A Look Into Gear and Techniques

Rock climbing is an exhilarating sport that combines physical strength, mental focus, and technical skill. Whether you're drawn to the challenge of scaling natural rock formations or the controlled environment of an indoor climbing gym, starting rock climbing requires a solid understanding of gear, safety measures, and techniques. It involves more than just having the right gear; it requires learning the proper techniques and adhering to safety practices. With the right preparation and guidance, climbing can be a rewarding and adventurous activity. Whether you’re scaling indoor walls or exploring outdoor crags, remember that patience, practice, and safety are key to enjoying and succeeding in rock climbing.

        Now, let’s take a look at some gear. Climbing shoes are essential for providing grip and precision on the rock. When you go to purchase your first pair of shoes, ensure that they have a snug fit, but that they don’t prevent your toes from straightening. A rubber sole that wraps around the toe gives the best traction while climbing, so that is another quality to search for. A harness is crucial for safety while rock climbing. It should be well-padded and adjustable to fit snugly around your waist and legs. Ensure it has a sturdy belay loop and gear loops for carrying equipment, since belaying and holding/clipping carabiners are two of the most important aspects of climbing. A helmet protects your head from falling debris and accidental bumps. A climbing helmet should be lightweight, well-ventilated, and adjustable. Helmets are also known as brain buckets.

For outdoor climbing, a dynamic rope is necessary. It stretches to absorb the impact of a fall. Indoor climbing often uses static ropes, which are less elastic. These are used particularly for auto belay devices. Belay devices help control the rope during climbing, allowing the belayer to manage slack and catch falls. Common types include the tube-style and assisted-braking devices. Some examples are the Grigri and the Reverso. Carabiners are metal loops with a spring-loaded gate used to connect ropes, harnesses, and other gear. Both locking and non-locking carabiners are used in different scenarios. Locking biners are used for securing belay devices and other important gear. Non-locking biners are used for securing extra equipment to the harness and clips to the wall. Climbing chalk keeps your hands dry and improves grip. The chalk bag attaches to your harness for easy access. Chalk is particularly useful for people with sweaty hands. 

Safety measures are exactly what they seem: precautions taken to ensure safety.

          Any new climber should start with a certified climbing instructor who can teach you the basics of climbing technique, safety procedures, and proper use of equipment. They should also master essential knots like the figure-eight knot for securing the rope and the double fisherman's knot for joining two ropes. Belaying is the process of managing the rope for a climber. All climbers should learn how to use a belay device correctly and practice with a partner before attempting on real climbs. Everyone must always inspect their gear before climbing. Check harnesses for frays, carabiners for proper locking, and ropes for any signs of damage. Use clear commands and signals with your climbing partner to ensure mutual understanding. Common commands include “On belay?” and “Climbing.” If you get a “Climb on,” then it is safe to climb. Learning how to fall safely is crucial. Practice controlled falls in a climbing gym to get used to the sensation and minimize injury. Start with routes and challenges that match your skill level. Pushing beyond your abilities can increase the risk of injury. 

          Now, on to techniques. These are specific moves and exercises to do while rock climbing. Proper foot placement is critical. Use the edges and surfaces of your climbing shoes effectively. Keep your feet high and use precise, deliberate movements. It is helpful to utilize different grips based on the hold type. Common grips include crimp (fingers bent), open-hand (fingers straight), and pinch (squeezing between thumb and fingers). A climber should maintain a balanced position. Use your legs for pushing rather than pulling with your arms to conserve energy. Keep your body close to the wall for better stability. Before you start, study the climbing route to plan your moves. Look for holds, rests, and the most efficient path to the top. Like with most activities, it is necessary to keep a steady breathing rhythm and rest when possible. Good resting positions allow you to recover strength and energy during the climb. These techniques apply to indoor and outdoor climbing.

I greatly enjoy rock climbing, and I love to see people trying new things, so get out there and climb!

Thrilling and Chilling at the Whitewater Center

The Whitewater Center is an amazing place! There are so many amenities to enjoy. There are 8 ropes courses, 10 deep water solo climbs, and over 40 miles of trails. The most physically demanding ropes course is the Canyon Spur, and the least demanding course is the Ridge Course. The most difficult climb is climb 6, and the least difficult climb is climb 1. There is also a climbing area with bouldering, auto-belay, and human belay options. The auto belay area has 6 climbs. Climb 1 is the easiest and climb 6 is the most difficult. Bouldering is a generic climbing wall, but it is very difficult. Human belay has many climbs, and visitors can earn their belay certification for the center by passing the test.

Another great adventure is whitewater rafting and kayaking. Visitors can reserve a rafting time, or walk up and kayak. The rapid intensity of the river can be changed, as the Whitewater Center is a popular training ground for professional rafters and kayakers. 

Trails are open to biking, hiking, and trail running. Biking is very popular, and bikes are included in the day pass. Hiking and trail running are also a wonderful trek. Ziplining is open to visitors, but the two largest ones require reservations. The rest of the ziplines are at no extra cost to visitors. In the winter, ice skating is a great choice as the Whitewater Center has a large rink. The Upper Pond is frozen and there are frozen paths. During the summer, Yoga is available, and guided classes are included with the pass. 

When all of the adventure gets tiring, visitors can kick back and relax at the food court. There are many chairs and picnic tables, and they give quite a nice view of the river. There is also a restaurant that is a great place to hang out. In the evening, musicians come onto the stage to give a performance. The stage overlooks the river and deep water solo, and has a grassy area in front so that visitors can listen to music while admiring the landscape. All in all, this center is great to visit if you enjoy anything outside, from high intensity to low.

The New River Gorge is an amazing place with many places to hike and rock climb! Taking time to admire this wonderful natural gorge is something that everyone should experience. A great area for climbing is the Bubba City area. The bridge that crosses the gorge gives stellar views and boasts wonderful photo opportunities. It is a joy to hike along the rim of the gorge while admiring the beautiful view! It is enjoyable to say hello to fellow nature-lovers and forest lovers.

 Bubba City has multiple different rock faces and hundreds of routes! One of the most popular parts of Bubba City is the Sandstonia wall. It features a variety of climbs, and has many levels of difficulty for everyone! One of the climbs is quite relaxed, but has an overhang that is difficult to climb over. Mario Boulders is an area that is beginner friendly, so any new climbers can try out their skills. These climbs have handholds and footholds that allow a climber to reach the top for a wonderful view. Climbing is a very popular sport in the mountains, and climbing enthusiasts treasure the climbing opportunities in New River Gorge!

Hiking in the New is a dream, especially during fall. The colors on the trees are gorgeous and the crunch as hikers step on the fallen leaves is reminiscent of the season. Endless Wall is an awesome place for hiking as well as climbing. It is miles long and very beautiful the whole way through. The Canyon Ridge trail is short but sweet and features amazing views of the New River Gorge Bridge and the surrounding area. The bridge is well developed, with a walking path and handrails along the whole length. Taking a hike is so enjoyable, and the New River Gorge is a wonderful place to do it.

A place to stay is fairly easy to come by at the Gorge. However, there is not a lot of information online. Specific camping areas are mentioned on the National Parks website, but most campgrounds are secluded and not as well-known. Once you find a campsite, spend a while sitting in the forest and relax in its grandeur. Listen to the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and reflect on all of the wonderful experiences of your incredible adventure in America’s newest National Park!

The Immune System: An Incredible Complex

The Immune System is an amazing structure that is hardwired to protect the body at all costs. It contains a wide variety of cells and proteins that have specific functions, which are performed on an all day, every day basis. This wonderful complex fends off any diseases and throws all of its forces at any intruder inside of the body. I have been very interested in this awesome topic for many years, and I have many memories of my experiences with immunology classes and searching for Youtube videos to satisfy my thirst for knowledge. I started with a spark of interest, and it has grown into a blaze of passion. 

My spark began with my mom asking a simple question: “Caden, do you want to take an online class about the Immune System?” I was intrigued, so I accepted the offer. The instructor started off the class with a perfect hook: “The Immune System protects your body with ferocity and gumption every day.” From that moment, I knew that I would be studying immunology for many years. During the class, we watched videos and read articles, and the instructor explained everything in an effective and understandable manner. I searched for more videos, and enjoyed so many of them that I watched them again! My mom has autoimmune diseases, which is a chronic condition in which the Immune System turns against the body and attacks it. I was inspired by these issues to do research to learn more about why the Immune System can have autoimmune problems. After the class ended, I taught my parents about immunology because they were also interested in our bodies’ defense mechanisms. I evolved my passion from watching and reading to explaning and sharing immunology with others I got lost in my vivid descriptions of the Macrophages, Neutrophils, and Dendritic cells’ functions. I remember many an evening that I would sit at the dinner table, my food forgotten, and explain the vast wonders of the specialized Adaptive Immune System. Fond memories come to mind when I think of Immunology Hide and Seek. It is a game where one person is the “Macrophage” and the others are “Pathogens.” The Macrophage searches for the Bacteria and wraps those people in their arms. My mom and I played quite a bit when I was younger, and I love thinking about our awesome experiences. A couple of years after the immunology class, I was still digging into the many books and articles about all of the different cells and properties of the Immune System. I grew my interest to extreme proportions and studied immunology for hours, until I was exhausted and finally gave my body a rest from comprehending the incredibly complex systems. 

After a few years, I grew busier and had less time for immunology. I still read books and watched videos, but not nearly as much as before. However, my knowledge of immunology helped me when I took a biology class for high school. I understood all of the material that was related to cells and microbiology. I have had an edge in other classes because of my understanding of immunology. In the past couple of years, I have not been as interested in Immune System videos or books, but I still have researched different cells and proteins on occasion. I have retained my love of Macrophages, since they are such fascinating cells. My interest in immunology has fluctuated, but I still have maintained a passion for the complex that keeps the body from harm. 

A couple of weeks ago, I pulled Immune by Philip Dettmer off of my bookshelf. He is the creator of Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell, which is a Youtube channel that explains complicated topics in a way that is easy to understand. Dettmer wrote Immune as a follow-up to his videos about the immune process. I love this book because it is so descriptive and has amazing diagrams of everything related to immunology. Reading Immune relit the blaze of passion, and it has stayed strong since. I have taught many people about immunology, and everyone has been delighted to hear about how the human body defends itself. Once, I had to write a five minute speech on a topic of my choice. I chose immunology as my topic, and wrote an effective speech. After taking English 101, I think that I could turn that five minute speech into a thirty minute in depth explanation of the entire immune process. I now look at all of the skills that I learned and all of the knowledge that I have gained. When I see all of the progress that I have made, I feel a huge sense of pride and joy.

I love when someone comes to an understanding of something that they had no clue about. Immunology is one of those things for a lot of people. I am lucky enough to be able to explain it to everyone! I won’t even pretend to be an expert, but I do have knowledge of how the system works and what each of the components do. It is amazing to see how every piece of the body is perfectly designed to keep working even when there is a bacteria or virus attempting to wreak havoc on us. Every bit of information that is learned helps others be more aware of how the incredible human body functions. Sharing that information is crucial to ensuring that everyone knows what precautions to take to prevent disease.

Innate Immunity: A Look Into How Our Bodies Defend Themselves

Imagine yourself as a soldier in a humid, sloppy swamp, violently dispatching thousands of enemies each day. This is the life of an innate immune cell. Millions of these relentless soldiers course through the human bloodstream every day. They battle against pathogens (bacteria, viruses, and the like) that wish to take over the body and deprive it of resources. The innate immune system is the first line of defense in the human body. It attacks any object that does not belong inside the body. Innate immune cells do not care what the foreign object is; they ruthlessly attack everything that is not a part of the body. The adaptive immune system is the specialized weapons unit. It has a few different attack methods. Antibodies are tiny proteins that attach to pathogens and bind them together. Another weapon is the cytotoxic chemical spray. The adaptive immune cells move close to a group of pathogens and splash them with the cellular equivalent of acid. The final attack is the receptor of death. An adaptive cell moves towards a pathogen and connects a receptor that orders the pathogen to stop all functions. Starting in 2020, The United States became a part of a global pandemic due to a dangerous pathogen: COVID-19. It was able to jump from small mammals to humans, then mutate extremely quickly, leaving people defenseless. To this day, it terrorizes cities and towns all over the world. Sadly, this has been a trend throughout history. The Black Death (bubonic plague), smallpox, Spanish influenza, polio, and measles are just a few from a century or more ago. SARS, malaria, West Nile virus, and ebola are more recent examples. The reason why so many have died is that their innate immune system was not strong enough to hold off the pathogens. Hundreds of millions of people have been infected and sadly, more than seven million have died (Worldometer). However, immunologists have discovered a solution. Generic vaccines trigger the innate immune system to grow and strengthen; therefore, the United States government should require and provide generic vaccines so that all citizens have a strong and high-functioning immune system.

According to the National Survey for Child Health, more than 67% of American students were sick enough to miss school at least once during 2024. This tells us that a significant majority of us have an immune system that is not able to protect us from illness. COVID-19 has taken advantage of the fact that many people are unable to fight off diseases quickly. Medicinal companies have begun to promote immune boosting supplements that actually just hurt the body. This is a major issue, especially in grocery stores and department stores. A 2021 study shows that absolutely zero of the supplements labeled as immune boosting do what they claim (Gundling). While these companies gain money, innocent citizens who believe that they are helping their body are actually harmed by their faulty immune supplements. The same study proved that one supplement contained a plant called Ma Huang, which is related to ephedrine (Gundling). Ephedrine causes blood vessels to constrict, resulting in high blood pressure. Many companies use scientific language incorrectly to deceive families into purchasing their product. While the supplements themselves are not causing sickness, the contents of the supplements weaken or harm the immune system so people become sick or even die. Since the government does not monitor the contents of supplements, harmful ingredients are quietly slipped into the pills and powders. Due to faulty law enforcement, companies manage to place harmful substances on the shelves of major grocery and department stores. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 states that:

Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients are prohibited from marketing products that are adulterated or misbranded.  That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as amended by DSHEA and FDA regulations. (US Food and Drug Administration)

However, the FDA is not intentional about ensuring that harmful ingredients are not used. When a deceitful company does not follow the laws, they set an example for other companies to do the same. This begins a negative cycle in which citizens are harmed because deceptive companies learn that the FDA does not enforce its own laws. Because of this, people are not only missing out on the benefits of a robust innate immune system, they are unknowingly inflicting suffering on themselves.

We soon will live in a world where everyone is in danger of disease if people do not take steps to strengthen their innate immune system. The path that we are on holds a future where every generation will not be informed about the importance of the innate immune system. If our generation is not informed, the next generation will be completely unable to understand anything about our innate immune system’s function. The US government created a plan where every citizen is entitled to health insurance. If a plan like this was put into place for generic vaccines, the whole population would benefit. As these dangers continue to increase with our increasing population, millions of people will struggle to fight off pathogens, therefore forcing the adaptive immune system to enter the battle. The adaptive immune system is effective when it is fighting in a controlled and focused manner. However, according to expert lecturer William Krost and his team, it also can cause damage “including allergic reactions, autoimmune disease, sepsis or even cancer” when released unnecessarily (Krost et. al.). COVID-19 is so deadly because it thrives in the bodily fluids that come with inflammation. The extra fluid comes from the innate reaction, but the adaptive immune system perpetuates its issues by producing more fluid and spewing chemicals to kill and destroy pathogens. The virus travels to the lungs, a place that extra fluid should not go because the lungs need to be open for breathing processes. The fluid fills up the lungs, preventing breathing and eventually resulting in death. Cardiovascular diseases like COVID-19 rely on the adaptive immune system to flood the lungs and bloodstream with another torrent of fluid. The Cleveland Medical Clinic states that when the innate immune system reacts properly, “[i]t responds to invaders right away by attacking any organism that shouldn’t be in your body” (Cleveland Clinic). When a strong innate response correctly responds to these invasive diseases, our adaptive immune system is preserved to focus on the most dangerous pathogens. If measures are not taken to ensure the innate immune system’s power, our body’s cells will be obliterated by pathogens and collateral damage from the adaptive immune system. We can take charge and end this detrimental occurrence! 

In the past, immunologists and medical companies have tried to create supplements and medicines to improve immune function. Unfortunately, most of these, including dietary supplements, have not been successful. Many immunologists, including Yutaka Kawakami, have attempted infusions of innate immune cells, but these have also proven to be a miniscule solution (Weber et. al.). Vaccines have been very successful in the past for specific diseases. An article in Nature Journal gives the statistics of vaccine success rates:

[V]accines against 14 common pathogens have saved 154 million lives over the past five decades—at a rate of six lives every minute. They have cut infant mortality by 40 percent globally and by more than 50 percent in Africa. Throughout history vaccines have saved more lives than almost any other intervention. (Haelle)

Recently, scientists have conducted studies on the concept of innate immunity from generic vaccines. These are vaccines designed to simulate a general virus or bacteria so that the innate immune cells can remember how to fight off a specific type of pathogen. Nearly every study has concluded that generic vaccines help stimulate the innate immune system to grow. Even though there may be a few outliers, it is obvious that generic vaccines function properly in the general population. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) is a bacterial generic vaccine. BCG was originally intended to treat tuberculosis, but it has since been used to treat many other diseases. Chen Kou explains that “studies have shown that in addition to the expected protective effect against Mycobacterium tuberculosis, BCG also has a non-specific protective effect on the host” (Kou 698). BCG is now used for many treatments, including a neonatal sepsis cure procedure that passed clinical studies in 2023 because of its effectiveness (Kou 697). Sepsis is a major health issue in which bacteria infect the bloodstream after an injury. Overall, generic vaccines have proven to be the most effective course of action to improve immune function and health. 

Since the innate immune system becomes stronger when triggered by generic vaccines, the vaccines should be endorsed by the government. As repeated studies have shown, generic vaccines have promoted development of innate immunity in an overwhelming majority of circumstances. An improved understanding of innate immunity will revolutionize the healthcare field. If generic vaccines are mandated by the government, the whole population will have a more robust innate immune system. Our bodies will be able to stand up to the bacteria and diseases that attempt to attack us. Fewer doctor office visits will be needed because our innate immune systems will combat in silence. We will not be isolated from one another during pandemics. Students will not miss school and adults will not miss work because of illness. When the entire population has a high-functioning innate immune system, there is health and wellness for all.